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Here you'll find a selection of the jobs I've had inside the game industry, as well as some of my personal projects

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Currently working as part of the content design team at Rockstar North

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From February 2021 - June 2021 I worked as a lead game designer for Fruitlab's in-house game development team

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Here you'll find a selection my game projects. Some of these are fully fledged games, available on my itch page (link in the footer of the site), some are still being developed, and some are just mechanical prototypes of cool ideas I've had.

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The Labyrinth of Far Water Grove

Far Water Grove is the final project of my time at university. It's a 3D perspective puzzle game, in which the player can rotate the camera to create connections and seemingly impossible paths for the player to explore. The game has almost in its entirety been a one person project; with all design, all audio, and the overwhelming majority of all 3D modelling and programming being made by myself. It has become something of a passion project of mine. Key design elements in the game include the understanding of optical illusions, signposting of elements in scenes that players can interact with, and the use of colours to emphasise objects in the levels that can connect with one another.

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Hunted: A Short Game Experience

Since finishing university, I've decided to push myself into creating work in different areas of game design, as well as in different genres of games. I've designed and built this level for a first person survival game, and this is a short clip from it. Please see the extra details page to find out more about this passion project of mine!

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"Zeus Stole My Wife, & Now I am Angry"

This was made over a week long game jam, with the theme of "Road Trip". The destination my group got was Athens, and so we decided to make this comedy focussed 2D game. I was the producer for the team, however I also contributed majorly in the areas of narrative, code and design. This game was made to be played in browser, so feel free to play it on my itch page!

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Ludum Dare 49: Faultline Farm

This is Faultline Farm, a game jam project made for Ludum Dare 49. A two person project, the game was created in its entirety in about 18 hours. The theme of the game jam was simply the word "unstable"

Naturally, my team mate and I turned that into a pun, and set our game in a stable. The game takes place during an earthquake on a farm, and the goal of the game is to set farm animals upright. Points are awarded upon doing this; fill the bar up and you'll win the game!

I contributed the design, 2D art, 3D models and sound design to the project, as well as programming the menu and pause system.

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Accessibility Design

As part of my third year of university, I was selected to be the producer for a group project that focussed on creating a game with accessibility in mind. The group opted to make a simple arcade game, an endless faller that could showcase just how important accessibility is. Our game was designed with multiple control inputs in mind, from custom controllers, to eye tracking software. Here is a short clip of the progress so far.

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Bonce Battle

This game was made in a 5 day game jam, with one rule; it has to be a one button game. I led the team and worked as designer, 3D modeller and contributed audio elements too. The game is on my page, feel free to play!

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Game In Progress: The Halloween Party

This is a solo project I've started building from scratch by myself. The project is a 3D pixel art point and click game, set at a Halloween Party. The aim is to help out all the guests at the party solve their puzzles, a couple of which can be seen in this clip!

Despite the look of the scene, as mentioned before it is actually a 3D game. I made the models and used a pixel shader in Unity in order to achieve the effect.

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One Armed Chef

This game was made during a 5 day game jam, with the topic of "seasons". I was producer and designer on the project, in which our group took the word seasons quite literally and developed a game where the player seasons pizza. Download on itch! Link is in the footer of the site.

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Sunset Skyway

This game is a solo project I made for my second year of university. All of the assets were made by myself from scratch, including the soundtrack. Play the game on my itch account! Link is in the footer of this site.

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Alphabet Skateboard Boy

This is just a small prototype of a game that has absolutely no art assets in it. Every asset you see is made up of Unity text, including the player character. This is something of a text adventure combined with an endless runner; the player will be narrated to via the land in which Skateboard Boy is skating on. The player moves using voice commands, which makes for a fun mechanic that I'd not yet used.

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I worked as the producer and lead designer on this project, and also supplied the soundtrack for the game, as well as art elements such as lighting.

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